HMS Defense sights enemy sails port, star broad and aft. In the words of another famous admiral 'It's a trap' |
A while ago I got a chance to catch up with General Franco and have a game of Sails of Glory. I like the games to reflect some history event and in the end I set-up a scenario loosely entry on a blog whose name I forget. Normally a British ship of the line vs a french frigate is more than a little one side but there was an encounter between a squadron two British Ships of the line went after a squadron of six French frigates surprisingly the frigates beat them off before resuming course to their destination. Downsizing the event a little the scenario became one Ship of the line versus a squadron of three French frigates.
The Defense opts to close on a raider before she is surrounded |
The British force consists of a single ship of the line.
The French force consists of a squadron of three frigates.
Two of the raiders go for the rear of the Defence |
The British ship is deployed at the centre of the table running with the wind. The frigates are deployed the the three corners of the table to the left, right and rear of the British ship.
D'oh two of the raiders collide and their rigging gets entangled |
Special rules;
There are no special rules for this scenario. But if you want to make it more challenging for players you can use the sails of glory rules to reflect the french navy being substandard for this period. Or bring in rough weather to restrict the the ship of the line from using her lower decks for a broadside.
The remaining raiders races the Defence to get a raking shot in |
Victory conditions:
- The British can claim a major victory if they sink, capture or force all three french ship to flee the battlefield.
- The British can claim a minor winner win if they sink, capture or force flee a single french ship and escape the battlefield with at least half their hull boxes intact.
- The French can claim a major win if they sink or capture the British ship with two or more of their ship afloat at the end of the game.
- Th can claim a minor win if the British ships flees and all three French ships are afloat.
- Any other result is a draw.
The raider fire frist and DEfence takes damage propmting it to break off the engagement. |
We played this game once and it was fun with a lot of tactical play. The British ship tried to isolate a Frenchman and finish it while the Frenchmen danced to stay out of the fire arcs while trying to get in a good broadside from a blindside.
Commander Franco his options More liky he is trying to figure out which side is port and which side is starboard ;) |
That is all for now thanks for stopping by
It was a enjoyable game alright Darra & tactically challenging, as for figuring my port from starboard I' always had problems with my left from mt right :)
Me too, it makes it fun when giving directions to people :)
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