
A random series of articles on war gaming in 40K, FOW and other systems. The headings are, WiP; Conversions and models in various states of assembly. PiP; Paint works on various models. Mission Critical; scenarios or missions to bring a bit of a twist to a normal game. MiA; rules for units and characters that could/should/might appear in a game. Dig In; How to guides on making various types of terrain for different game systems. Sit Rep; Battle reports and after action reports on games played

Monday, September 24, 2018

Kampfgruppe Von Fons on the move in Flames of war

American front line
It has been a long time since I played any Flames of War to rectified this I volunteered Fons to try out the Pieper’s charge mini campaign. Fons has been promoted to Oberst and has an armoured column of 35(!) armoured vehicles with limited support, his orders are simple ie drive like a bat out of hell, break through the American lines and cross the Meuse.
Panzers make their first move
Game one saw the column engaging the first line of the american defense consisting of some under strength platoons of infantry reinforced with some tank destroyers and some tanks.  Resistance was minimal with the line breaking at the cost of two panzer IV’s and half a platoon is panzer grenadiers but the kampfgruppe can not replace its losses while the American resistance is increasing the further they go. I am looking forward to seeing if Fons can change history

First line is overrun

Main defense line prepares for the German assault

Panthers flanks a Sherman platoon

German armour rumbles down the road

Amerian infantry prepare for a tank assualt

Kampfgruppe Von Fons

Panthers obliterate their opposition 

The American positions are overrun

That is all for now thanks for stopping by 


Wargamerabbit said...

Interesting. Great scenario. At the last HMGS-PSW convention our group ran the full Battlefront Peiper's Charge scenario across three tables using Ver 3.0 MRB and Devils Charge. The AAR write up just posted to the Wargamerabbit blog.

Dakeryus said...

Hi Micheal, I saw the terrain articles they are any interesting read, I think a Vauban themed fortress may be on the agenda for next year. Do you by any chance have a rules set for 17th-18th century sieges. I know Christopher Duffy's book had an rule set in the appendix but it would be nice to know more.

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