
A random series of articles on war gaming in 40K, FOW and other systems. The headings are, WiP; Conversions and models in various states of assembly. PiP; Paint works on various models. Mission Critical; scenarios or missions to bring a bit of a twist to a normal game. MiA; rules for units and characters that could/should/might appear in a game. Dig In; How to guides on making various types of terrain for different game systems. Sit Rep; Battle reports and after action reports on games played

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Day 2 of the Devil’s charge in Flames of war

Day 2 of the Die wacht am Rhien offensive

Kampfgruppe Von Fons is back in action. Previously the kampfgruppe had broken through the American lines as part of the Die wacht am Rhien offensive.  The Kampfgruppe is the lead element of Kampfgruppe Peiper and is currently trying to secure a river crossing for the main force.  In the area here are two possible crossing points. But the defenders are mobilising. A roadblock has been established on the main road, the nearby fuel dump has been secured by an American armoured infantry platoon reinforced with some towed tank destroyers. While Combat engineers have been ordered to destroy both river crossings.

American road block
(life expectancy not long)

Panzier grenadiers flank the roadblock and prepare to assault it

Panzers push on and try to secure the fuel dump

More German armour rolls on to the battlefeild

Towed tank destroyer deploy and engage panzer grenadiers

The panzer grenadiers are destoryed but the tank destroyed are pushed back by Panthers

Panzer by pass the fuel dump and move to secure the bridge before the combat engineers can blow it up

pressure mounts on the combat engieers

Combat engineers blow the first bridge and fall back to the second bridge minutes before the panthers arrive

By passed at the fuel dump the armored infantry mount up and try to engage the German rear elements 

More armour arrives to try ans secure the bridge from the engineers

The armour infantry make a nuisance of them selves harassing units trying to by pass them

Combat manage to blow the bridge before being overrun. 
The Germans call of the attack and are delayed looking for another crossing.

After a rather tense game the allies just about managed to blow the last bridge forcing a delay on to Kampfgruppe Von Fons timetable.  The assault cost the Germans a panzer grenadier platoon, a panther, a spotter from the artillery and a couple of squads of paratroops. Both sides have won an engagement going into the last engagement of the campaign..

That is all for now thanks for stopping by


Frank O Donnell said...

I always feel 15mm is an ideal scale for battle games as you don't need to have a very big table for it to feel right.

Dakeryus said...

depends on the game franco. 15mm works well for some big games the smaller the scale the bigger the scene. 2mm is becoming popular now. someone (the name escapes me) built a model of Portsmouth and reproduced an English war game with it. I was thinking about doing Napoleonic in 2mm. The Blucher rules have the army lists and maps for the entire 100 day war (waterloo & friends) that is pretty tempting.

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