The crazies’ is a nercomunda scenario set in the 40K universe. It is inspired by a couple of sources. First the DGG has just completed its city fight table terrain and it need to be christened. Second, nercomunda is a great game and I don’t get to play enough of it. Third, a remake of George Ramiro’s film the crazies is released in cinema (random people put in a bad situation and having to work together to escape destruction).
A copy of Nercomunda and outlanders is helpiful to play the game.
The planet of Spandex IV has fallen from the emperors light and has been scheduled for destruction.
Inquisitor Shylo has tracked down the Pandora box to Spandex IV.
The exterminus cannot be delayed, the box cannot be lost.
The only option is to send in a strike team to recover the box and escape before the planet is destroyed.
Can you make it ?
Inquisitor Shylo has tracked down the Pandora box to Spandex IV.
The exterminus cannot be delayed, the box cannot be lost.
The only option is to send in a strike team to recover the box and escape before the planet is destroyed.
Can you make it ?
The game is played on a 6’x4’ table. One corner is the starting point for the players in the diagonal opposite corner is the escape point. Make sure to have lots of terrain ideally no line of sight should be longer than 12”.
Take a deck of playing card, including jokers. Roll 2D6 and take that number of cards from the top of the deck and place them face down 20” from the players starting point. Repeat the process making sure that each stack of cards is at least 12” apart and 20” from the players starting corner. Any remaining cards can be put to the side for later use.
The players each roll a D6 and the highest sets up first. All the players’ models must be within 12” of their starting table corner and at least 12” from a stack of cards.
The players each roll a D6 and the highest sets up first. All the players’ models must be within 12” of their starting table corner and at least 12” from a stack of cards.
Because this game is a multiplayer event a couple of change have been made to the normal I go you Go system. At the start of each turn Player roll a D6. Highest roller gets to move first then moving clockwise around the table the next player moves and so on. Once all players have moved the high roller can then shoot and the sequence is repeated.
Once the turn is completed player roll for initiative at the start of the next turn the high roller from the last turn gets a minus one modifier.
At the start of the Umpires movement turn roll 2D6 , one red and one green. If the red dice comes up a 6 the umpire can active an encounter (see below). If the blue dice comes up a 6 the umpire can take 2D6 random cards from the discard cards pile and place a new stack on the table. The new stack must be at least 12” players models and other stacks already on the board.
Once the turn is completed player roll for initiative at the start of the next turn the high roller from the last turn gets a minus one modifier.
At the start of the Umpires movement turn roll 2D6 , one red and one green. If the red dice comes up a 6 the umpire can active an encounter (see below). If the blue dice comes up a 6 the umpire can take 2D6 random cards from the discard cards pile and place a new stack on the table. The new stack must be at least 12” players models and other stacks already on the board.
Each stack of cards represents an encounter for the players, possibly it’s the object they are looking for probably it’s just trouble. Encounter cards are revealed at the end of the movement phase if a player has one of their models within 12” of the stack. Once revealed the umpire flips the stacks and replaces the cards with the creatures below. One of the revealed creatures must be placed on the same spot as the stack of cards and all creatures revealed must be deployed within 6” of the stack.
Card- effectJoker – Surprise attack (see below)
Ace/king- D3 Aliens(genestealers, brood brothers, etc)
Queen- 4 Deviant scum (cultists)
Jack- 3 Deviant scum (cultists)
10- 2 Deviant scum (cultists)
2-9- 1 Deviant scum (cultists)
Surprise attack;
A surprise attack represents someone get the jump on the players or something else going wrong. Roll a D6 and consult below,
D6- Suprise attacker
1 Face eater. A randomly determined model is attacked by a face eater creature. The effected model must roll under their initiative or take a S3 hit.
2 Ash clam. A randomly determined model is attacked by a Ash Clam creature. The effected model must roll under their initiative or cannot move until he rolls under hie strength at the end of the next movement phase.
3 Slip. One randomly determined model slips and moves 2D6” in a random direction igonreing terrain. The model is pinned for the rest of the turn.
4 Friendly fire. One randomly determined model gets trigger happy and accidently shots the nearest friendly model resolve the shot as normal roll to hit, wund etc
5 Infection. A randomly determined model has been infected by a genestealer. The model must make a normal save or else gets taken over by the umpire for the rest of the game.
6 Gone. There are shots, then a scream and a randomly determined players model is removed from play.
After models have been revealed and any surprise attacks resolve roll a D6. One a 6 the Pandora box is at this encounter place an objective marker at the location of the stack? Models can pick up the box by moving over it in the movement phase. At +1 for each encounter the players reveal while testing for the presences of the Pandora Box
Player’s briefings;To make life more interesting each player controls a separate squad. Each Squad has its own agenda but they are all working towards a general objective just have different ways if achieving it.
Imperial guard briefing
You are lieutenant Gorman. And in your opinion this is a bull sh*t assignment. The Major must have found out what you were doing with his daughter last month. The grapevine says that no guard assigned to the inquisition has ever returned, you intend to be the first. Your mission is to provide perimeter security to the inquisitor and his henchmen. You had a full platoon at the start but now all you have left is a single squad. The men are tired and jumpy. You must get of this rock before there is no rock to stand left.
Your force
Lt Gorman M;4 Ws;4 Bs;4 S;3 T;3 W;2 I;4 A;2 Ld;8 Sv;6+
Equipment; bolt pistol, chain sword, frag grenades.
Skills; nerves of steel.
Specialist Hicks M;4 Ws;3 Bs;4 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;3 A;1 Ld;8 Sv;6+
Equipment; laspistol, long rifle (R;36" S;4 mod; -2), close combat weapon.
Skills; Marksman,
Sergeant Apone M;4 Ws;4 Bs;3 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;3 A;2 Ld;8 Sv;6+
Equipment; shotgun (solid,scatter, manstopper), laspistol, close combat weapon, frag grenades.
Skills; Fastshot-shotgun
Specialist Vasquez M;4 Ws;3 Bs;3 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;3 A;3 Ld;7 Sv;6+
Equipment; grenade launcher (frag, krak, smoke), las pistol, close combat weapon.
Skills; Bugle biceps,
Specialist Drake M;4 Ws;3 Bs;3 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;3 A;3 Ld;7 Sv;6+
Equipment; Missile launcher (frag, krak), laspistol, close combat weapon.
Skills; crack shot
Specialist Crowe M;4 Ws;3 Bs;3 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;3 A;3 Ld;7 Sv;6+
Equipment; lasgun, close combat weapon..
Skills; loader (see below), crack shot
Guardsmen (x6) M;4 Ws;3 Bs;3 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;3 A;3 Ld;7 Sv;6+
Equipment; lasgun, close combat weapon.
Skills; crack shot.
Special rules
Loader; If specialist Smith is down or out and Speclist jones in within 2". the player can opt to swap weapons on the two models. In effect Jones picks up the missile launcher.
Victory conditions;
+1 for each goon killed. ( players need to keep track on their score)
+20 Lt Gorman escapes off the planet
+5 for squad member who escapes off the planet
+10 the Pandora box escapes off the planet
Storm trooper briefing;
You are Master sergeant Nathanial Blunt. This is your second tour in the service of the inquisition but your first mission with this particular inquisitor. Your task is to provide close protection to the inquisitor and his staff. Your squad is handpicked by you with the exception of specialist Kale; your first candidate came down with a bad case of broken neck. A platoon of guards is also available but they don't seem like much and look unreliable.
Your force
Master sergeant Nathanial Blunt M;4 Ws;4 Bs;4 S;3 T;3 W;2 I;4 A;2 Ld;8 Sv;4+
Equipment; hell pistol (counts as a bolt pistol), power sword, frag and krak grenades.
Skills; nerves of steel. hip shot, rapid fire hell pistol.
Specialist Kale M;4 Ws;3 Bs;5 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;4 A;1 Ld;8 Sv;4+
Equipment; Meltagun, hot shot laspistol (counts as a boltpistol), close combat weapon, frag and krak grenades.
Skills; dive, rapid fire hell pistol
Specialist M;4 Ws;3 Bs;4 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;3 A;1 Ld;8 Sv;4+
Equipment; Plasma gun, hell pistol (counts as a bolt pistol), close combat weapon, frag and krak grenades.
Skills; Ambush, rapid fire hell pistol
Stormtroopers (x4) M;4 Ws;3 Bs;4 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;3 A;1 Ld;8 Sv;4+
Equipment; Hell gun (counts as a bolt gun), close combat weapon, frag and krak grenades.
Skills; rapid fire hell gun
Victory conditions;
+1 for each goon killed. ( players need to keep track on their score)
+10 Master sergeant Nathanial Blunt escapes off the planet
+10 Inquisitor escapes off the planet
+5 for squad member who escapes off the planet
+10 the Pandora box escapes off the planet
Inquisitors’ briefing;
You are Inquisitor Shylo. You have spent the last five years looking for the Pandora box. If not for recent information you would not have found its location or that it was on a planet about to be destroyed by order of your rivals within the inquisition. You must find and extract the box. It is the key to you getting on to the high council from which you will be better equipped to do the emperors bidding.
To help you in this task you have your retinue plus two squad one from the inquisitorial storm troopers the other from the imperial guard. You suspect one or both is in the service of your rivals in the inquisition. To complicate matters your extraction pilot informs you there is only enough room on the ship for one of the three remaining squad.
To help you in this task you have your retinue plus two squad one from the inquisitorial storm troopers the other from the imperial guard. You suspect one or both is in the service of your rivals in the inquisition. To complicate matters your extraction pilot informs you there is only enough room on the ship for one of the three remaining squad.
Your force
Inquisitor Shylo M;4 Ws;4 Bs;4 S;3 T;3 W;2 I;4 A;2 Ld;8 Sv;3+
Equipment; master crafted bolt pistol (can reroll misses), power sword.
Skills; Fast shot, nerves of steel,
Combat servitor 2994 M;3 Ws;3 Bs;3 S;4 T;4 W1 I;2 A;1 Ld;9 Sv;4+
Equipment; Twin-linked heavy stubber (can reroll misses), power fist.
Skills; bugling biceps, body slam, Cyborg (see special rules)
Combat servitor 3098 M;3 Ws;3 Bs;3 S;4 T;4 W;1 I;2 A;1 Ld;9 Sv;4+
Equipment; Heavy bolter, power fist
Skills; bugling biceps, body slam, Cyborg (see special rules)
Servo skull M;6 Ws;2 Bs;2 S;2 T;2 W;1 I;4 A;1 Ld;9 Sv;4+
Equipment; laspistol,
Skills; Dodge, Cyborg (see special rules).
Acolytes (x3) M;4 Ws;3 Bs;3 S;3 T;3 W;1 I;3 A;1 Ld;8 Sv;6+
Equipment; laspistol, close combat weapon, one has a medikit.
Skills; ???
Special rules;
Cyborg: Cyborgs can never be pinned
Victory conditions;
+1 for each goon killed. (players need to keep track on their score)
+20 Inquisitor escapes off the planet
+5 for squad member who escapes off the planet
+20 the Pandora box escapes off the planet
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